Healthcare purchasing’s secret is out, and it involves 25%1 of your budget.

While most health systems are well-versed in the pursuit of financial efficiency, there’s a well-kept secret that could potentially transform the way they manage their finances – indirect procurement solutions. 

Hidden beneath the surface of traditional healthcare cost management, indirect procurement holds the key to significant savings and operational improvements. Uncover the top pain points that healthcare systems face when managing their indirect spend and reveal how an indirect procurement solution can address these challenges. 

Get ready to discover the secrets to managing indirect procurement effectively, and unlock a world of savings that can transform your healthcare organization’s financial well-being.

Why You Need an Indirect Procurement Solution

Here are 10 reasons why healthcare organizations need an indirect procurement solution to manage their indirect spend effectively and how using an indirect procurement solution as part of your best practices strategy can address these challenges:

1. Inefficiencies in Vendor Management:

Challenge: poor vendor management can lead to inefficiencies, such as redundant contracts, fluctuating prices and inconsistent quality. 

Indirect procurement solution: an indirect spend solution streamlines vendor management, helping you consolidate suppliers and negotiate better terms.

2. Lack of Spend Visibility 

Challenge: An unclear view of indirect spend leads to a hindered ability to identify cost-saving opportunities and eliminate wasteful expenses.

Indirect procurement solution: An indirect procurement solution provides detailed spend analytics, allowing you to pinpoint areas for improvement.  

3. Compliance Challenges:

Challenge: healthcare systems can struggle to stay compliant with GPOs and contract management, resulting in unnecessary costs and penalties. 

Indirect procurement solution: reduce risk of non-compliance and associated penalties by ensuring all non-clinical purchases align with contracts.

4.  Inaccurate Budgeting:

Challenge: healthcare organizations often struggle with budget inaccuracies due to the unpredictability and fragmentation of indirect spend. 

Indirect procurement solution: stay within budget with better forecasting and control over indirect expenditures.

5. Disparate Systems and Data Silos:

Challenge: many health systems use disparate systems and suffer from data silos, making it difficult to centralize and analyze indirect procurement data. 

Indirect procurement solution: integrates data from various sources, creating a unified view for better decision-making.

6. Missed Cost Reduction Opportunities:

Challenge: without proper tools and strategies, healthcare organizations often miss potential cost-saving opportunities within their indirect spend.

Indirect procurement solution:  identify areas for cost reduction, such as consolidating suppliers, negotiating better contracts, and optimizing inventory management. Technology-driven solutions, like Direct Supply’s solutions, even offer AI-driven savings suggestions and substations for additional healthcare cost reductions.

7. Unpredictable Supplier Costs:

Challenge: healthcare organizations often struggle with fluctuating supplier costs for non-patient products from facilities, therapy, environmental, foodservice and furnishings indirect spend categories. These unpredictable costs can wreak havoc on budgets, making it crucial to have a solution that brings visibility and control.

Indirect procurement solution: pick the supplier that best fits your budget, reducing the chance that you’re paying more than you should with easily tracked and comparable costs. 

8. Lack of Data Insights:

Challenge: without a comprehensive indirect spend solution, healthcare leaders often lack critical data insights into their procurement patterns. This lack of visibility can impede informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Indirect procurement solution: a compilation of data unique to your healthcare organization gives unique insights into where money is spent, allowing you to strategically shift budgeting and streamline your procurement expenses.

9. Rogue Spending:

Challenge: in healthcare systems, unauthorized purchases or “rogue spending” can spiral out of control, leading to budget overruns.

 Indirect procurement solution: prevent unauthorized purchases and ensure compliance by enforcing spending policies. 

10. Missed Volume Discounts:

Challenge: failing to leverage volume discounts for indirect supplies can result in missed savings. 

Indirect procurement solution: aggregate your purchases and negotiate better terms with suppliers, ultimately lowering costs.

By embracing an indirect procurement solution tailored to your healthcare organization’s unique needs, you can conquer these challenges and propel your financial well-being into a brighter future. The best-kept secret in healthcare cost reduction is out – the power to optimize your operations and unlock substantial savings is at your fingertips.

Unlock Indirect Spend Strategies to Reduce Healthcare Costs

At Direct Supply®, we understand the challenges that healthcare systems face when managing their indirect spend. We’ve made it our mission to help you unveil the hidden opportunities for savings and operational improvements. 

Our indirect spend solutions offer a comprehensive, AI-driven approach to healthcare cost management. Whether it’s managing vendors, gaining visibility into your spend, ensuring compliance, or leveraging cost-saving opportunities, we’ve got you covered.

With Direct Supply® as your partner, you gain more control and greater visibility, which may lead to significant savings. 

Explore our innovative indirect spend solutions and get ready to revolutionize the way you manage your healthcare costs. Fill out the form below or contact us to get started today.