Organizations began offering Procurement as a Service in 3,000 BCE in Egypt. Nearly 5,000 years later, Direct Supply® DSSI provides healthcare procurement expertise to our customers, saving money, driving efficiencies, and aiding growth.

What is Procurement as a Service?

Procurement as a Service (PaaS) is a strategic approach to managing a company’s procurement needs. This strategy involves expanding various aspects of the process to a specialized service provider like Direct Supply® DSSI™. This concept encompasses a range of related activities, such as supplier management, order processing, data analytics, and cost optimization.

Healthcare providers can benefit a lot from procurement as a service. By partnering with experts like Direct Supply DSSI, they can simplify their purchasing processes. Additionally, they get expert help with sourcing and managing supplies.

The primary goal of PaaS is to relieve the administrative burden associated with procurement. Organizations using PaaS can focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. It offers companies the flexibility to scale their capabilities up or down as needed.

Healthcare providers using PaaS focus more on resident and patient care and less on the hassles of procurement. Providers can save money through better-negotiated prices and smarter purchasing strategies. PaaS also offers flexibility, allowing facilities to quickly adjust to changing needs.

With PaaS, there is no longer a need for substantial investments in infrastructure and personnel to support procurement. Healthcare providers can improve cost control, resource management, and the overall quality of care they deliver.

Partnering with Direct Supply DSSI

Direct Supply DSSI is a proven leader in the PaaS industry. We provide strategic sourcing by combining our excellent supplier relationships with intelligent supply chain management. Good procurement starts with strong relationships up and down the supply chain.

We have a proven track record in this area, helping providers and non-healthcare customers to achieve efficiency, savings and growth. You can read more about how we’re leading the way here.

With Direct Supply DSSI, we understand that our customers may have their own internal teams. DSSI isn’t a traditional third-party service. We recognize that many of our valued customers already maintain their own in-house teams. We partner with your team to provide a redefined “Procurement as a Service” solution.

Collaborative Approaches

In traditional models, a third party of procurement professionals takes over and operates in isolation. DSSI embraces a collaborative approach. We work hand in hand with our clients, becoming an integral part of your procurement ecosystem. Our experts seamlessly integrate with your procurement team to ensure a smooth and efficient sourcing and procurement process.

By streamlining the procurement process, we ensure that healthcare facilities have timely access to the highest quality supplies. Our expertise allows healthcare providers to focus on delivering exceptional resident and patient care rather than worrying about supply chain logistics. Through tailored solutions, we help optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency. Our collaborative customer partnerships also drive innovation by introducing advanced products and technologies that improve patient outcomes.

Customized Healthcare Procurement Solutions

Every organization is unique, and so are its procurement needs. DSSI understands this and tailors our services to align with your specific requirements. Our focus is not on imposing a one-size-fits-all solution.

We focus on co-creating a procurement strategy complementing your business objectives. Our products and services grant a unique competitive advantage.

Enhanced Visibility and Control

Partnering with DSSI doesn’t mean losing control over your procurement processes. On the contrary, our services provide you with enhanced visibility and control. Mitigating risks to your supply chain has never been so easy. 

Through our cutting-edge AI technology and spend analysis, you gain real-time insights into your practices. Our systems provide real-time insights into purchasing patterns and inventory levels, helping providers make informed decisions. This transparency allows for more efficient supply chain management, reducing waste and improving overall operations. 

With easy-to-use reporting and analytics tools, providers get a clear view of their procurement activities. This aids in better financial planning and resource allocation. Additionally, our platforms make record-keeping straightforward, ensuring accurate documentation for audits and compliance.

Continuous Improvement

At Direct Supply DSSI, we are committed to the long-term success of our partners. We don’t just set up shop and leave. Our team is in it for the long haul. We are constantly seeking opportunities for cost reduction and a more efficient procurement process.

DSSI seeks to work closely with our customers and suppliers to ensure compliance to the strategies we develop. We also understand that our work can always be made more efficient. Our proactive approach ensures that your procurement activities remain agile and competitive. 

Scalability and Flexibility

At Direct Supply DSSI, we understand the dynamic needs of healthcare providers and the importance of flexibility and scalability in procurement. DSSI will help you achieve a scalable procurement function. Business environments are dynamic and so are your needs. DSSI offers the flexibility to scale your procurement operations up or down as your business evolves.

We have 20+ years experience with healthcare procurement and over a decade with our PaaS solution specifically. That means that we know how to handle changes to your needs for goods or services. Our advanced procurement solutions allow for customized and scalable purchasing strategies. We enable healthcare facilities to adjust their inventory based on real-time needs. 

Our adaptive mindset helps mitigate risks associated with supply shortages and fluctuating patient volumes. Your purchasing process might change, and we’re there at every step to help you revise your strategy. We will adapt to your requirements seamlessly. By partnering with us, healthcare providers can adapt quickly to changing demands and ensure successful operations. 

The Bottom Line on Direct Supply DSSI as Procurement as a Service

Direct Supply DSSI is not just another provider. We are your strategic partner in the realm of PaaS. We combine the benefits of additional hands on deck with the advantages of a collaborative, client-centric partnership. 

As previously mentioned, we have more than 20 years of experience in healthcare procurement and more than 10 with PaaS. We work hand-in-hand with organizations like yours to handle your procurement needs. Working with us reduces risk to you and opens your company up to connecting with exciting potential suppliers.

When you choose DSSI, you choose a procurement optimization solution that evolves with your business, empowers your team and ensures long-term success. Request a consultation with our team today to learn more.



Let’s talk about your procurement!

Schedule your 30-minute consultation to learn how DSSI can help your organization achieve your procurement goals.